

Note* the photo images of children shown on this website are accepted, agreed and signed by the parents and caregivers. 

Speech’s story

  • Through many years of diverse experience with children and their families, speech pathologists and the rest qualified members of SPEECH Institute have realized that children unfortunately come to develop speech delays because they are not understood, recognized, and cared by their own family due to various inevitable reasons.
  • The number of children with speech or language delays has been increasing significantly these days. In reaction to the gloomy trend and for the better future for every child in society, each member of us of SPEECH Institute has had the same vision that we will compensate for the lack of care and proper treatment for those struggling children. So, we have founded SPEECH dedicated to supporting parents/families who need the help to lead their children into self-development and social relationship.

For better understanding of children’s speech or language delay

  • According to Dr. Natasha Marrus of the University of Washington, a Psychiatrist, children who are slow to talk are on the autism spectrum but are not a disease or intellectual disability. Because each person’s worldview is different, this is the same for children.
  • Children are just in need of the attention and empathy from the caregivers and systems around them, to be able to develop their every potential.

Distinguishing feature of SPEECH

Most parents, who have developmentally slow children, may pay a lot of attention to the ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) method because they see quick results from purported curing sessions from ABA only experts. But this method sometimes entails the risk of negatively affecting some of the children’s psychological development in later stages.
We, SPEECH members, focus on helping children with speech delays to develop, based on the Floor Time method through 6 stages of emotional development:
  • Internal self-regulation and care for the external world
  • Advanced communication
  • 2-way communication
  • Intimacy
  • Sympathy
  • Thinking with Feeling

Teachers of SPEECH