Category Archives: Tips for parent

Causes of Speech Delay or Language Delay

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Speech delay and language delays in children can be attributed to a variety of mental, physical, and genetic factors. Understanding these causes can help in identifying the underlying issues and seeking appropriate interventions. Here are the key factors to consider: Hearing Problems: Children with hearing difficulties may struggle to say, understand, and imitate language sounds. […]

Signs of Speech Delay in Children

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Every child develops physically and mentally at their own unique pace, making it challenging to identify early signs and symptoms of speech delay. However, the following milestones can help parents, guardians, or caregivers understand a child’s needs better and seek support when necessary. Paying Attention to Others: Between 1 and 4 months, infants should start […]


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Overview of teaching appoarch There are many teaching approaches in the realm of Special Education nowadays, such as ABA, DIR, DIR/Floortime, TEACCH, RDI, CBT, and the Glenn Doman method. At SPEECH, we have invested a lot of time observing, researching, and working with children of different age ranges, genders, personalities, and social backgrounds. From such […]